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Our worship services may be different than where you have attended. We believe that the Lord’s Supper is a central part of our worship and open to all those who believe in His name. We partake of the communion every Sunday. We privately acknowledge our sins, Christ’s atonement, and our belief in His coming again.


We believe in singing from the heart. God has made us His instruments of worship, and with only our voices, we offer our songs of joy and praise. It is an honor to sing and lift up God together in song. We understand that some people are not used to singing without an instrument, and it may take you a few weeks to adjust. We believe you will find our singing refreshing and fulfilling.


We believe that any money given to the church should be a “free will” offering. We use the money for local work and areas of benevolence. All money given is viewed as a gift to God, and we as a church are simply stewards of His money. We never ask visitors to help financially support our local work. We do ask that you fill out a visitor’s card and place it in the collection plate.


We believe that salvation comes through Jesus Christ. While a person is saved by faith, it must be a faith that is seen and not just stated. Therefore, repentance and baptism become a part of our salvation. We do not view a child as born in sin, but as safe in God. There will come a time when we all will sin and be in need of salvation through the blood of Jesus Christ.


When a person makes Jesus the Lord of his life, changes from walking in sin to striving to do right, confesses Jesus as Lord and Savior before others, and is immersed in water, then forgiveness of all sin is given by God and that person becomes His child and part of God’s family and ours. If someone has already done those things and desires to be a part of our church family, we do not ask him or her to repeat them, but to state their desire to the church and to live peaceably among the church family at Sherman.



Class - 9:00am

Preaching - 10:00am


Bible Class - 7:00pm

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