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We do not belong to any denomination, organization, religious group, or convention. We are completely independent from all churches. We believe that a person can know God’s will by simply reading the Bible. We do only what the Bible says… nothing more, nothing less. We desire to share the love of Christ by being a warm and friendly group where any person can learn about God. We desire to share the simple truth of God’s word to every person in the communities in which we live. We encourage people to study the Bible and do what the Bible says. We seek to address the spiritual needs of the entire family: children, teenagers, and adults. We desire the salvation of every soul.


The family of God at the Sherman Church of Christ is a fellowship of people who love God and desire to be a place where people gather from all races and backgrounds to worship and praise God.


The church is Christ’s Body and it exists to save the lost and to nurture and facilitate growth to those who have been saved.  (Ephesians 1:22-23; 2:22; 3:10-11; 4:12, 16; Colossians 1:18; Jude 23) 


It is our desire, because we are unworthy of the gift of salvation given to us, to follow the command to make disciples of all nations - beginning in our local communities - so that all may hear the Good News of Christ.  (1 Corinthians 15:10; Matthew 28:19-20) 


Our focus is on the tri-county area surrounding the town of Sherman, but we welcome all who wish to worship God in Spirit and in Truth.


Many people today are searching. Sometimes we don’t even know what we are searching for. We know there is something missing in our life. Maybe you need a little direction? That is where God comes in. 


There is nothing God desires more than to give you the directions to an eternal home – a home that belongs to Him and where He is waiting to share it with you.


Here at the Sherman Church of Christ we want to share with you a wonderful church home – a place where you will find love, joy, and peace. This church enjoys studying the Bible, and we desire to be a Bible-based church – a church that touches lives for Christ and points people to a home called heaven. If this church sounds like someplace you want to be, come check us out.

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